Millennium Dataware Srl
Strada Prov. Castelnuovo Scrivia, snc
15057 TORTONA (AL)
CEO: Francesco Fontana
Dear Customer, in compliance with the privacy laws currently in force, Millennium Dataware Srl, with headquarters at Strada Prov. Castelnuovo Scrivia, snc - 15057 TORTONA (AL) ITALY (henceforth: "MD") hereby notifies you that it will not process your personal data without your consent. The personal information requested are utilized solely for making purchases through its internet website ( and for the full execution of the contract. In any case, the confidentiality of your personal data shall be guaranteed by data processing procedures designed to prevent access by unauthorized third parties. In particular, personal telephone numbers (mobiles) are obligatory so that we can contact the project production manager in order to notify him/her of technical anomalies or to make suggestions for improvements, but they will never be used for advertising or administrative purposes. Should you decide to give your consent, in accordance with art. 13 of Leg. Decree 196/2003, MD hereby informs you that the head of data treatment is Millennium Dataware Srl, Strada Prov. Castelnuovo Scrivia, snc - 15057 TORTONA (AL) ITALY. MD shall transmit personal data solely to other Heads and Managers of data treatment, including its parent companies, which will utilize them exclusively for the carrying out of the abovementioned activities, for which consent is required. A full and updated list of all Heads of data treatment will be furnished by MD on request, by mail or e-mail. In all cases, treatment of personal data shall be carried out in full compliance with the applicable laws. ( ) Data treatment is carried out using digital, electronic and manual equipment suitable to ensuring the confidentiality required by the laws in force. Personal data shall be kept and managed, based also on increasingly sophisticated technical knowledge, so as to minimize, through the application of apposite preventive security measures, the risk of their being destroyed or lost, even accidentally, and the risk of unauthorized access or treatment without consent or treatment not related to the activities for which they were collected. Exercise of the right to privacy In compliance with art. 7 of Leg. Decree n. 196/2003, at any time it is possible to know, transparently, whether MD or its Managers are aware of and/or in possession of one’s personal data, whether or not they have been registered. The interested party is also entitled to know the criteria used for data treatment by electronic means. In addition, if the interested party so requests, MD is obliged to update, modify or integrate the data in its possession, or eliminate them. The interested party is also entitled to receive notification to the effect that the Heads of data treatment (and, in general, all those to whom MD has transferred the data, if applicable) are aware of the update, modification or integration or elimination, unless this is not possible or would require a clearly onerous effort, out of proportion with the guarantee of the interested party’s right to privacy. The exercise of the interested party’s rights must be communicated by registered letter with return receipt, addressed to Strada Prov. Castelnuovo Scrivia, snc - 15057 TORTONA (AL) ITALY Re: "Exercise of rights as per art. 7 of Leg. Decree 196/2003".

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